Sunday, October 31, 2010

Haiku - Hallowe'en

country graveyard –
the spirits of the dead
gather round us.


Helen said...

These are perfect especially for this time of year. Excellant !

Anonymous said...

A neat photo to go with your poems! May all your spirits be friendly.

Catherine said...

I love graveyards! The photo with these is very evocative

Becca said...

Oooh, very spooky! And I'm reading in the dark - must turn on some lights right away!

Roger Stevens said...

Darren’s got a pumpkin
Hollowed out a treat
He put it in the window
It scared half the street

I wish I had a pumpkin
But I’ve not and it’s a shame
I’ve got a scary carrot
But it’s not the same


Love yours...