Monday, November 20, 2006

Haiku - senses

brush fingers against
the dark nap of velvet –
black cat on my knee.

silver bracelet
glints in the candlelight –
one red rose.

red wine
warm in the mouth –
sweet conversation.

sensual scents -
patchouli oil and jasmine

hang in the air.

blends with the music –
dancing feet.

Senses for One Deep Breath


Becca said...

You are so clever - I love the deeply sensual feeling in these haiku as compared to your cleaner, more esthetic series on your other blog.


kerrdelune said...

This one calls up a perfect winter evening indoors with good friends, cat in one's lap, a rosy fragrance and happy music.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it is going to be a great evening!
Nice poem.

JP (mom) said...

A lovely yin to the yang of your other post ... absolutely wonderful. much peace, JP

Jodi said...

You have such a talent for writing rich, evocative haiku.

Anonymous said...

Wine one and dancing feet one are perfect!! Love how they play and evoke and are restful all at the same time.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks for all the comments, everyone!