Friday, April 13, 2007

Secret Identity

Sunday Scribblings asks us to write about our secret identities this week. Well, my secret identity is as a campaigning environmentalist who works for a charity and makes lots of crafts from reused materials. But I guess most of you knew that already. If this is a revelation to you, you may be interested in my other blog Crafty Green Poet.

Edited to add: if you read my poetry on this blog, you may think that I am lonely and without love, this is not true. Part of my identity that is a secret in this blog is that I am happily in a relationship and have been for about 13 years. Just that sad love poems are easier to write....


TMTW said...

LMAO I won't repeat myself ;-)

daisies said...

sad poems ARE easier to write ... isn't that funny but i think its so difficult to write about happiness without it being cheeserama.

hmmmmm ... i'm going to give it a go tonight, lol ...

Anonymous said...

That's the sign of a great poet, isn't it?
To make us believe what you write.
I liked this post!

Jone said...

I love sad poems. Great post.

Tammy Brierly said...

I'm happy to hear you are so happy. We can all relate to sad. Environmentalists ROCK!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Jennifer, we're not married! Just together for 13 years and it still is like the early days (in the best sense)!

Daisies - yes its the avoiding the cheese that makes writing happy poems difficult. Sad is easier.

Bohemian Mom - thanks

Paris Parfait, yes, using fiction to uncover the truth is how I like to see it.

Tammy - yes we can all relate to sad poems.

Anonymous said...

Good for your for embracing and celebrating ALL your sides, you environmentalist goth, you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Smiling @ your "secret" ID. :)
(Others have questioned me about my poetry, too- what is F or NF.)
Poets and angst- I feel like I'm writing a "greeting card" when I write cheerful poetry.

Crafty Green Poet said...

kg - thanks. I think a lot of goths are pretty environmentally aware.

Gel - greetings card poetry, yes, that's how I feel if I write poetry that's too happy!