Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Secret of Chocolate

Her first class degree
won her a contract to discover
the scientific perfection of sweetness.

Five years on, her secret formula
heavily advertised, stays
stubbornly on the shelves.

While continents are ravaged
by a disease she could
have found a cure for

and a humble chocolatier
creates daily bliss
for crowds in a small French town.

First published on this blog in 2008 and originally published in Curlew magazine

Chocolate also features in today's poem over on Crafty Green Poet. You can read it here


Noah the Great said...

Ugh. Well, I've always thought the Gov't has more cures than they say-- as population control.

It's a great write.

Anonymous said...

Cool poem. Perfect balance in its tone is reflected in its thought which is original, balanced and unexpected. Very cool, very effective,

WH said...

I liked the use of present tense for this. It creates the ongoing mystery of chocolate. The poem alos made me think of one of my favorite movie, CHOCOLAT.

Jenn Jilks said...

This is inspiring.
I really only write poems on my family's birthdays! I must going on it!