Thursday, August 07, 2008

Reflections on Leaving

She keeps her eye on the rear view mirror
he could easily hide among so many cars
but as the road behind her empties
bright as the red glow of sunset
she feels her heart begin to lighten
as the road ahead becomes the future.

What we leave behind for Easy Street Prompts


Noah the Great said...

Sometimes it's hard to not keep your eyes on the rearview mirror for nostalgia's sake.

holly said...

Lovely poem..."he could easily hide among so many cars"...yes, a memory can be a crowded place...

polona said...

ohh... i love this!

Jade said...

cool...escaping into a new life.

Devika Jyothi said...

Yeah heart begin to lighten as road behind memories begin to fade...

I loved this poem, really!

Anonymous said...

lovely stuff - I want one. Write a poem about plastic for me to post on my blog.

Hey I know poets are not short order chefs but when some one can say it so well in so few words...