I had created this blog as my Found Art blog (see links to right) but then i thought I really wasn't going to take part in found art. Once I've put all that effort into making a collage, I don't want to leave it in the street for someone to throw it in the bin. It's bad enough with leaving books in public places with Bookcrossing!
I tried to delete this blog, but it came back to haunt me. I thought of keeping it just dormant but then I had the idea of making it my alter ego blog. You see, I'm not just a vegetarian pacifist, who sits around writing nice environmental poems and crafting collages out of Italian magazines, whilst feeding dandelions to my rabbit.
So this blog is for poems and other things that wouldn't fit in Crafty Green Poet, for what will probably be obvious reasons.
And for anyone who was at the International Playbus Congress in Turin, who found any of my Found Art collages, you can still log in here and let me know if you found anything. Please! Per favore! Bitte!