Wednesday, May 30, 2007
After the Wedding
Monday, May 28, 2007
The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind
I sometimes find that when I read in a foreign language, that I miss vital pieces of information or plot twists if I misunderstand a phrase or stop paying full attention for a moment. If I read the book first in English then I can be sure when I read it in the original that I won't be missing anything. Of course the problem is that some books may turn out not to be worth reading twice! Sometimes the book may be less than elegantly translated and so reading it in English is a chore! Also some writers are just too much of a challenge - Umberto Eco is difficult enough in English, so I'll certainly not be reading his novels in Italian!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Weird stuff

1. That photo shows one, that's weird isn't it? Well I don't think it is, but other people do!
2. I'm allergic to melons.
3. I've never owned a mobile phone.
4. I sing to my rabbit.
5. I dance with my eyes closed.
6. I speak three foreign languages reasonably well but can't count in any of them!
7. I'm struggling now, but then I realise that there are some things that i think are just 'stuff about me', that a lot of people may think are weird. See my post for 10 things about me on Crafty Green Poet here.
I'm not going to tag anyone by name here, there are so many versions of this going round. If you want to share your weirdness, just consider yourself tagged!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
puts the receiver down
as soon as she answers.
He just wants to know she’s still there
reckons that once every six months
a silent call won’t freak her
has no idea how much
she wants it to be him
wants him to speak
say something, anything,
and that once every six months
is just enough to break
her heart.
previously published in Curlew magazine
dialogue for Poetry Thursday
Monday, May 21, 2007
Train Now Departing

you were going home
in a fast train, alone,
distraught and dishevelled,
your eyes dark with tears.
A guard passed through,
calling your name,
but he got it wrong
or it was no longer yours
for you didn’t respond.
I gazed at the scenery
then I awoke.
It was days
before I knew
the truth of the dream.
Inspire Me Thursday now includes a weekly art journal prompt. This week we are asked to journal our dreams. This is an old poem I wrote about a dream, I made the collage to fit the poem. The poem was originally posted on the Moving Stories website (celebrating railways), which I don't think exists any more.
I also made a journal page about how dreams were like David Lynch films, but I'm really not happy with it, so I'm not posting it! When I watched Inland Empire, the latest David Lynch film, I really felt that I had already dreamt it, down to everything being in Polish.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Mask for Sunday Scribblings
Monday, May 14, 2007
Coming of Age
Coming of Age
Scared of your slender blossoming beauty,
Mother dresses you in baggy clothes,
chops off your auburn hair,
bans make-up, jewellery and perfume,
points out fat-legged girls in mini-skirts
to say ‘no-one looks good like that!’
You return from your first term away
bright with friendships, ideas
and a rucksack of fashionable new clothes.
One afternoon, while you’re out,
she black sacks your prized new possessions,
visits Oxfam but describes a theft.
Thin-lipped, she marches you to BHS
for modest brown tweed
to mark your new adulthood.
Next term end, she puzzles
over your absence, your
postcards from Paris and Milan.
first published in Envoi.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
When's the next night? Who knows but at least these days its generally at least three times a year, up from annually in those dark distant days of our student days!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Silk Neon Gothic
dances, corseted;
long dark hair flows
round her like her black
silk skirt, Victorian
hands in satin gloves
hold neon glow sticks
lost in time in music
with mysterious smiles.
This weeks Poetry Thursday prompt was to use their random prompt generator. This poem includes two words from the generator - silk and neon. I've posted another poem using the same words on Crafty Green Poet.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Das Leben des Anderen
Es ist etwas wie das tolle Italiensiche Film 'Buongiorno, Buon Notte' - zu denken uber etwas besser ist das erste Schritt zu ein bessere Welt.
In communist East Germany, an official of the Stasi (the State Secret Police) is spying in a dramatist and his wife. The official discovers he has a heart and starts to help the couple in secret. Many German viewers have apparently said that the film is unrealistic, such a story would not have been possible under the communist regime. I know they are right about this. However for me the interesting thing about the film is can we imagine a World where such a story could happen in a repressive regime?
As in the wonderful Italian film 'Buongiorno, Buon Notte' the point is that thinking of a better world is the first step to making a better world.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
haiku - the sea
swell carries me, salt tanged
to break on your shore
the sea for One Deep Breath